Ember of the Planet…Live!

I am happy to announce the release of my new book, Ember of the Planet! It’s for sale on Amazon in Kindle and paperback formats, so pick your favorite and start reading today!

Though I usually wouldn’t say this, I highly, highly recommend a paperback copy. The cover art done by Cathleen and Diane is so insanely beautiful! I cannot thank them enough for the beautiful work!

I’m hosting a giveaway on Goodreads, which will kick off on October 5th, so if you’re on Goodreads, you can have a chance to win one! I’ll post the link when it’s live.

I’m also taking part in this year’s Virtual Fantasycon, where there will be Kindle giveaways of my books as well as prizes from many other talented authors, so don’t miss that! October 15-21, details are on my facebook page, http://www.facebook.com/dovewinters1

Here is the Amazon link for Ember of the Planet. If you get a chance to read it, please leave a review!

Happy reading!



Cover Reveal!

So….drum roll please…here is the cover for Ember of the Planet! To be released soon on Amazon! If you love this cover as much as I do, be sure to check out Cathleen’s page, too! She has so many beautiful covers to choose from!


Ember of the Planet by Dove Winters