Questions that Matter with Rishikesh Upadhyay

I asked the questions that matter of Rishikesh Upadhyay! But first, the book:

Now, let’s dive right in!

Welcome, Rishikesh! Do you know what your name means? Or who were you named after?

My name is Rishikesh Upadhyay. Rishikesh means One who controls senses. It is referred to the Hindu God, Lord Vishnu. So Rishikesh is called Lord of Senses. And Upadhyay means Brahmins including teachers or learned person.

A beautiful and meaningful name! What is the hardest part of being an author?

The hardest part about being an author is having the confidence to start writing a sentence every day. Once I get going, I’m good, but before I start writing, the doubt devils are always shouting at me that I can’t do it.

Fighting the Doubt Devils is a fight we can all relate to! What’s the color of your toothbrush?

I have a pink, green or yellow toothbrush. It’s nothing too fancy, but it gets the work done.

Show off that bright smile! Let’s dig a little deeper: What’s the meaning of life?

Life is simply a journey. You have to find it yourself.

A good answer! What’s your favorite word?

Sincere and kind.

Two great choices, and I mean that! What’s your favorite sound?

Little kids laughing their butts off. There’s nothing better for the soul.

Laughter is the best medicine! What is the last thing you do before going to sleep?

I pray to God to forgive me for anything I did wrong unknowingly.

A wise idea! Do you sing in the shower?

Of course I do! Doesn’t everyone?

Yes, yes we do! What do you think the best invention is?

The written word.

I concur! Do you have a nickname? If not, give yourself one now!

Yes I have, it’s called Munu. My sister gave it to me.

Is there a story behind that? I’d love to hear it! Finish this: Never trust a person who doesn’t like…

Kind and sincere people.

You’re so right! And lastly, what would you tell your younger self?

Good people are very rare to find. Just be kind to people. Don’t be so quick to react.

A good life lesson! Thank you, Rishikesh, for joining our talented squad! If you’d like to support Rishikesh, check out the links! Then, conquer your Doubt Devils and join us here again for another interview!

The book:

Telegraph Books:–The-Hidden-Half/29538087



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Happy reading! 🙂

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