Questions that Matter with Pat Spencer

I asked the questions that matter of Pat Spencer! But first, the book:

Check out Pat’s other interview in the links!

Now, the questions:

Okay, Pat! Time for round two! What’s your biggest screwup in the kitchen?

I put a bag of frozen Birds Eye Creamed Spinach in the microwave oven and set it to cook for four minutes—just long enough to defrost—or so I thought. I planned to nuke the spinach a bit more when I came back inside after grilling pork chops on the barbecue.

After about twenty minutes, a terrible explosion scared us out of our socks. The microwave door had blown open and smoke was rolling out. My husband uttered a stream of words I cannot write here. Burnt creamed spinach dripped off the adjacent cupboard, dribbled down the counters, and puddled on the floor.

I had mistakenly set the microwave for 40 minutes!

A neighbor, thinking someone’s place was burning down, came over to ask if I smelled the fire. When I opened our front door, the stink of incinerated spinach and melted plastic bag hit her in the face. I had no alternative other than to confess the entire embarrassing tale. Within a few days, everybody knew.  

I imagine the smell lingered for weeks! So I have to ask: What is your favorite smell?

Well, it certainly is not burnt spinach!

Lavender is my favorite aroma. For me, it creates a sense of peace and relaxation. At times, I really need that. It’s distressing that most candlemakers now mix in vanilla, lemon, or another scent. I crave a pure lavender aroma and am having a hard time finding it. I welcome any leads.

Let’s help Pat find the calm! What is your favorite sound?

My favorite is my granddaughter’s voice when she tells me she loves me. The second is ocean waves crashing on the shore.

Both are lovely sounds! Cook in or eat out?

Most of the time, I like to eat out and try different restaurants. However, I’m a pretty good cook. With the exception of exploding creamed spinach, people enjoy my cooking and that makes me feel good.

My husband does the cleanup. He says I am a messy cook, so he likes to eat out as well.

I prefer barbecuing to cooking inside. I use the Girl Scout method of wrapping vegetables in foil along with lemon and butter. It gives them a great flavor. And I enjoy watching the waves break against the shore as I cook.

Barbecue on the beach: I’m in! Do you believe in aliens?

I’m hoping there’s someone else out there who is smarter than us—perhaps a society of people who have no tendencies toward violence, abuse, deception, and just plain meanness.  

I also like to believe in ghosts. I’ve always wanted to see one, and maybe hold a wee conversation. No luck so far.

As long as they’re friendly! Do you have an irrational fear?

Oh, my, yes! Japanese Beetles. And they are attracted to me. I can stand out in the middle of nowhere, settle in on the patio with a good book, or play any round of golf, and one will track me down and dive bomb my head.

My high school boyfriend told me that Japanese Beetles have prongs on their noses that they use to latch on to cows and suck their blood. Wikipedia confirms this to be untrue, but logic has no effect on my fear. Every time a Japanese Beetle swoops me, I scream and flail my arms.

The standard method of bug removal! What’s the most marvelous thing you have seen with your own eyes?

In my travels, I’ve seen many marvelous things. Perhaps the most extraordinary sighting appeared on a South African safari. Our jeep stopped to observe several elephants standing at the side of the road with a single calf. As we waited to give them the right-a-way to walk in whichever direction they chose, we spotted two giraffes peeking out over the top of a tree. Someone whispered, “How can nature watching get any better than this?” Then, three lions slipped out of the brush and sauntered in front of our jeep. They ignored us, the giraffes, and the elephants, and paraded by to the watering hole. Absolutely incredible.

I’m sure the elephants and giraffes thought so, too! Thank you, Pat, for giving us some more insight into the wonderful you! To support Pat, check out the links below and buy that book! Then, pop your spinach in the oven and set that timer right so you don’t miss the next interview!

Click to Read Selected Works by Pat Spencer, Ph.D.


Pat’s other interview:

Happy reading! 🙂

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