Questions that Matter with Angel M.B. Chadwick

Weeping Well by [Chadwick, Angel]

I asked the questions that matter of Angel M.B. Chadwick! But first, the books:

Now, the questions!

Welcome, Angel! It’s early and I’m hungry, so…Cook in or eat out?

Always cook in. I don’t eat out. Why eat out when you can cook in, whip something up quick or look online for the latest recipe to try at home. I know how to cook from scratch, but I do that sometimes during the holidays. And I do like to try to do a recipe on special occasions like birthdays or Christmas or because it’s a Saturday.

Your kitchen sounds like the place to be! If you were in a circus, what would your job be?

Lion tamer.

You are brave! Are you high or low maintenance?

I’m low maintenance. I don’t make a big deal of labels and name brands. They mean nothing to me. But I respect that they mean something to other people. Aesthetically, I like fashion: clothing, shoes when its worn on someone else. It catches my attention. But I don’t care for it on myself because it’s not my personal style. If that makes sense.

I understand you completely! Which season defines you?

Spring. No matter what I have gone through in my life I eventually ‘spring’ or bounce back.

Better than falling forward! If you were a road sign, what would you say?


Thank you! Do you know what your name means?

It means Messenger of God. And yes. Angel is my real name.

A divine answer! Would you rather fly on a dragon or meet a mermaid? 

I rather fly on a dragon. Because I love dragons.

Who doesn’t love dragons? Thank you, Angel, for taking this quirky interview! Support Angel by checking out the links! Then, dodge the lions and join us next week for another interview!

Happy reading! 🙂

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